Sunday, 29 August 2010

Ouran High School Host CLub 82 : Mori The Dove Tamer

Wah! Ouran's almost over - and in the penultimate episode Haruhi decides to go to America! Hana Kimi already did that soooooorry! But still I love Ouran! Tamaki & Haruhi are a cute couple, but  I still want her to be with Hikaru ( GO GO HIKARU GO GO!) But I know thats impossible! :'( TEAR!

Fav bits of the chapter: Tamaki turning up in that bloody outfit almost made me die! I got to see Kyouya waking up for one last time XD And MORI THE DOVE TAMER! Mori & Kyouya are the best characters - despite the fact they're hardly doing anything in the main story - if you look in the background they're always doing something hilarious. I loved it in this chapter when the girls asked him where something was - Mori's expression was HILARIOUS!

The Zuka club making they're last appearance was great too - now we just need that gangster guy who likes Haruhi & we're ALLLL set!! Tamaki's OTT date at the beginning was so typical of him & I loved the way the 'Peeping group' went HE REALLY IS THAT STUPID! Well DUUUUH!!! And even though I hated Tamaki's Gmamma before, that bit where she realised it was a date made me lol! And Tamaki talking to his dog too! OMG Thats so Hana Kimi with the dag etc.! I just realised how alike these are after 82 chapters!!! IM A BAKA! Cept the main guys totally diff naturally! AHHHH! *flashbacking to Sano's suprime hotness*!

Anyway I love Ouran its my 3rd fav shoujo series ever (behing Hana Kimi & Fruits Baskets)! I think when it ends next week I will cry! CRY I TELL U! But I've still got all the tankoban to collect - so its not ALL over! XD Can't wait to see how it ends!

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